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Stygian Fox

Stygian Fox, la última licenciataria de Chaosium

The Book of Nonterraqueous - A Modern Era Call of Cthulhu ScenarioFXC-019Mar 20221
The Wild Hunt. A Race Across the Northeastern US to Confound an Ancient, Imported EvilSFX-302020222
Occam's Razor. Seven Modern-Era Adventures of Mystery and Death20212
New Tales of the Miskatonic Valley (Second Edition)SFX-3009Nov 20202
I Want To Play - A Modern Day Call of Cthulhu ScenarioFXC-0007Dic 20193
The Dark Forest - A Call of Cthulhu Scenario Set in the Modern DayFXC-0002Dic 20193
The Unbearable Likeness 1 opinionesFXC-0001Jun 20195.002
Aspirations 2 opinionesSFX-3007Abr 20192
Fear's Sharp Little NeedlesSFX-3005Jun 20186.507
Hudson & Brand: Inquiry Agents of the ObscureSFX-3007Dic 20175.004
The Mark of EvilSFX-3002Sep 20162
The Things We Leave Behind 107 opinionesSFX 3001Ago 20165.006

Pág. 9/17
03-07-2019 10:29

2067 mensajes
Tal como dijo Esculapio0 aquí:
Tal como dijo RandalThorres aquí:

Puedes escuchar una de las aventuras dentro de ese libro en el canal de Victor Romero, No Me Olvides (Forget Me Not se llamaba en inglés si no recuerdo mal),

--- No hace falta irse tan lejos...

Jugada por los Legendarios, con suficientes cambios como para hacerla coherente y mínimamente interesante.

Jugada por legendoides, esa medianía.

Envidia de que la jugasteis mal...

03-07-2019 11:03

8010 mensajes
↕ 34 minutos ↕
Tal como dijo Sr.Perro aquí:

Envidia de que la jugasteis mal...

--- Nuestra versión es dos órdenes de magnitud superior a la original. Y aun así no es gran cosa...

03-07-2019 11:58

3000 mensajes
↕ 54 minutos ↕

Con eso de los cambios alguien podría ver una falta de respeto al autor original, con lo que se habrá esforzado...

Lo bueno de la de Legendoides es que tiene una fantástica carátula con un plano tipo hermanos Cohen, y enlaza a la misma partida jugada por otros grupos de juego.

La juventud se acaba decantando por todos estos fuegos de artificio, se lo digo yo.

Phlegm Bibliotecario
05-07-2019 19:24

2884 mensajes
↕ 2 días ↕

Innsmouth '86 for Call of Cthulhu 7th edition (Suspended) has been suspended by Kickstarter.

Tal como se dijo:


This is a message from Kickstarter’s Trust and Safety Team. We’re writing to let you know that a project you recently backed, Innsmouth '86 for Call of Cthulhu 7th edition (Suspended), has been suspended. We also want to assure you that your £9.00 pledge has been canceled. To protect our community, we may suspend projects when they demonstrate one or more of the following:

Outstanding fulfillment issues related to a previously successful crowdfunding campaign

Running multiple, simultaneous projects.

Failure or unwillingness to clearly communicate with backers

As a result, all funding has been stopped and backers will not be charged for their pledges. No further action is required on your part.

We take the integrity of the Kickstarter system very seriously. We only suspend projects when we find strong evidence that they are misrepresenting themselves or otherwise violating the letter or spirit of Kickstarter's rules. As a policy, we do not offer comment on project suspensions beyond what is stated in this message.

We know this isn’t ideal. But we do sincerely hope to see you again soon, backing one or more of the amazing projects that do cross the finish line, without a hitch, each and every day.

Here’s to next time,

Kickstarter Trust and Safety

05-07-2019 19:45

2067 mensajes
↕ 20 minutos ↕

Supongo que alguien se habrá quejado de la primera opción...

05-07-2019 19:46

4451 mensajes
Twitter Web
↕ 1 minuto ↕

¿Pero qué ha pasado? Qué curiosidad...

05-07-2019 19:47 (editado 05-07-2019 19:57)

2067 mensajes
↕ 1 minuto ↕

Tienen varios KS pendientes y alguno con retraso sobre la fecha que dieron. Me imagino que viene oír ahí la cosa


Al parecer gente en YSDC han puesto una queja en KS por no entregar los proyectos anteriores


05-07-2019 20:13

8010 mensajes
↕ 25 minutos ↕

Qué fácil es acostumbrarse al dinero gratis...

Seis KS pendientes de entregar...

Me remito al podcast 11.

Entwistle Bibliotecario
05-07-2019 20:16

6262 mensajes
Twitter Web
↕ 2 minutos ↕
Tal como dijo Esculapio0 aquí:

Qué fácil es acostumbrarse al dinero gratis...

Seis KS pendientes de entregar...

Me remito al podcast 11.

Ayer mismo comentábamos los males endémicos de los crowdfoundings...

05-07-2019 22:47 (editado 05-07-2019 23:17)

2067 mensajes
↕ 2 horas ↕

Mensaje de Stephanie en KS

Tal como dijo Stephanie:

Hi everyone,

Well... I've dried my eyes and am now able to post an update.

Here's what is outstanding and why.

Hi everyone,

Here is the statement I put out on YSDC this morning when 6 people complained that they were waiting for stuff.

"Stygian Fox boss lady here. Let me answer some of the criticisms and give solutions.


Hudson and Brand: Shadows of the Past (not yet due)


Occam's Razor (1 month overdue)

We've had in getting the writer to fulfill obligations. Frequent messages have led to excuses (after speaking to Brian who bravely rang me, he's been very ill and has been struggling so that is why his scenarios are very late.)

New Tales of the Miskatonic Valley 2nd Edition (6 months overdue)


The Wild Hunt (6 months overdue)

Overdue. The previous artist doubled his rates on us so we hired another artist who is delivering excellent work but is playing catch up. Only a few items left but it's gonna take time.

The Book of Contemporary Magical Places (1 year 3 months overdue)

Released as 0.9 yesterday.

Distant Realms, a guide to the land of Leviathan (2 years and 9 months overdue)

Stalled. Plans are being set up for that.

Hudson and Brand: Inquiry Agents of the Obscure (seems the top level backers still haven't gotten their Curator boxes yet (2 years 1 month overdue))

(4 Curator boxes were outstanding, 2 have been given refunds, 1 is happy to wait.)

3 Kickstarters are fully completed

The Things We Leave Behind

Fear's Sharp Little Needles

The Book of Contemporary Magical Things (incidentally I got a printed copy from DriveThru whereas it's possible that there are still some backers that don't have their copies yet). A duplication by DriveThruRPG sent multiple copies to some and no copies to others. It also ordered PDFs which were sent but Print copies in the same order which were not. All should have their copies now.

1 is in flight

Innsmouth '86, the subject of this thread.

In the next few weeks Distant Realms will be refunded, as well as the remaining Curator sets (excepting the personal friend who is happy to wait).

In the first Kickstarter after DR (which pummelled our finances) my finances were in a mess. Since Stygian Fox went 'limited' with 4 directors and we took on Chitin and Fallon things have markedly improved. Communication is better allowing me to recover from illness (pneumonia, adrenal adenoma, and subsequent depression) thanks to Fal, organisation is miles better thanks to Chitin, finances are better thanks to Steve.

Here's a point I need you to take note of though. Our recent Kickstarter production funds go to the project they were raised for. Our operating budget and 'catch-up' funds come from our new Patreon (Fal's inspired idea). It is this money with which we will refund DR backers.

DR failed due to, yes, brexit. While the pound tumbled, foreign contractors rates did not. I lost money on that. The entire project was being run, co-written, art directed, drawn, and agonised over by me and me alone. When i contracted pneumonia and my tumor started growing I collapsed. When I was so ill in hospital I couldn't drink one backer said "Ouch. Pneumonia. OK, I'll hassle you tomorrow instead." That and the occasional abuse email crushed me and I gave up. I'm sorry. I'm truly, truly sorry.

Catching up to today; I know have an amazing team who knows me, knows when I need to recover, and is working around me. They are everything to me and I will always be grateful to them. Badger McInnes, Jeff Moeller, Chitin Proctor, Fallon Parker, Jon Gibbons, Darren Pearce, Simon Brake, Genevieve Fournier, and others have pulled me up from the gutter and are the reason you still see Stygian Fox today. The future is much brighter than it was and I know I'm not the most revealing of how this mad industry runs but we're not sitting on our hands here. While one or two of those named above are no longer in the company, I will always be grateful for their help.

We've turned a corner but you don't have to believe me. Wait it out and buy from DriveThruRPG if trust is an issue. We understand entirely.

I hope you will support us in the future. If timeline is an issue for you and you still want to help us and want to see us catch up and deliver projects then we have our Patreon. We deliver an adventure a month for as little as $2 and the turnover is a month. Just one month. Also, joining today means you get access to both of the past two month's adventures.

Anyway, don't really want to plug there but it's our company's lifeblood.

I'm open to all constructive comments and suggestions to my personal email: You MUST put "SFX Comments" in the subject line or it may get missed. Any abuse, particularly threats or negative comments on my trans history, will be forwarded to the police.


That was until an hour ago when Kickstarter "suspended" (meaning ended) Innsmouth 86 as a product. The Patreon money will now be used to keep a roof over my head and the delayed kickstarters will have to take longer.

As of this moment, SFX's future is up in the air. I have made promises to people for Innsmouth and other work and will need to pay them first.

I'm not going to hold a grudge against those 6 or so complainants on YSDC. The internet is full of people with differing views.

It's nice to see the enormous outpouring of love and support. Thank you.

I'm sorry I couldn't make Innsmouth86 happen for you. I now have to consider how I'm going to pay off contracts, pay for the art and video I used in the trailer and in the campaign.

I swear some people think you do a Kickstarter and that we're all ken Whitman, taking it easy lighting cuban cigars with $100 bills. The reality of a small press RPG publisher is that I haven't paid my phone bill this month.

Thank you for all your support.


Edito:Aquí el hilo de YSDC

Pág. 9/17

Nueva opinión

Stygian Fox

Gran Bretaña, Chester

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