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The Casting Call of CthulhuChaosium Monograph20073
Farewell, My SanityChaosium Monograph20076.004
Halloween Horror ReturnsChaosium Monograph20073
Secrets of Kenya 3 opinionesChaosium20075
Mansions of Madness (2nd Edition) 10 opinionesChaosium20074
Secrets of Los AngelesChaosium20075
Menace from the Moon 1 opinionesChaosium MonographEne 20073
Dark Mirror - Cultists, Pariahs, Nihilists, Followers of the Dark Path, and Disciples of CthulhuChaosium MonographMay 20073
Return of the Ripper - An 1890s Scenario for Call of Cthulhu and Cthulhu by GaslightChaosium MonographMay 20075
Night of the Kachina - Wild West Call of Cthulhu adventuresChaosium MonographJul 20072
The Murderer of Thomas FellPelgrane Press20082
Supplement V: CarcosaAutoedición2008
Cthulhu Rising 10 opinionesChaosium Monograph20082
Ravenstone SanitariumChaosium Monograph20084
Mysteries of Tibet 7 opinionesChaosium Monograph20082
Malum Umbra (aka Shadows of Evil)Chaosium Monograph20083
Extrico Tabula (aka Unraveling Borders)Chaosium Monograph20083
Rise of the Dead: Part 1 - The Arrival 9 opinionesChaosium Monograph20083
Once Men 6 opinionesChaosium Monograph20082
The VaultChaosium Monograph20083
This Old Haunted HouseChaosium Monograph20089.003
Mysteries of SudanChaosium Monograph20083
Mystic AlliancesChaosium Monograph20083
Age of Cthulhu I: Death in LuxorGoodman Games20085
Murder of Crows 1 opinionesSuper Genius Games20086.004