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The Antarktos Cycle

0Introduction: Lovecraft's Cosmic HistoryRobert M. Price
1AntarktosH. P. Lovecraft
2The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of NantucketEdgar Allan Poe6.50
3At the Mountains of Madness 15 opinionesH. P. Lovecraft9.50
4The Greatest Adventure?Eric Temple Bell
5The Tomb of the Old Ones?Colin Wilson
6At the Mountains of MurkinessArthur C. Clarke
7The Thing From Another World 1 opinionesJohn W. Campbell, Jr.John W. Campbell, Jr.
8The Brooding City?John Glasby
9The Dreaming City?Roger Johnson

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The Antarktos Cycle

Inglés, 572 págs.
Antología colectiva, Dedicado
Chaosium (CHA6039), Ago 1999
ISBN: 9781568821467

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