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Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos

Publicado en España como "Relatos de los mitos de Cthulhu" por la editorial Bruguera, Serie Nova 1977, Serie Libro Amigo 1978 y 1981, 3 volúmenes.

Otras ediciones
Cthulhu, una celebración de los mitos 7 opiniones (Español)ValdemarJun 20019.0010
Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos 1 opinionesArkham House19901

0Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos (jacket cover art)Lee Brown Coye
1The Cthulhu MythosAugust Derleth
2The Call of Cthulhu 12 opinionesH. P. Lovecraft10.00
3The Return of the Sorcerer 5 opinionesClark Ashton Smith6.25
4Ubbo-SathlaClark Ashton Smith6.25
5The Black StoneRobert E. Howard8.80
6The Hounds of TindalosFrank Belknap Long8.00
7The Space-Eaters 4 opinionesFrank Belknap Long4.33
8The Dweller in Darkness 3 opinionesAugust Derleth4.00
9Beyond the Threshold 7 opinionesAugust Derleth5.00
10The Shambler from the StarsRobert Bloch8.50
11The Haunter of the DarkH. P. Lovecraft9.67
12The Shadow from the SteepleRobert Bloch7.50
13Notebook Found in a Deserted HouseRobert Bloch7.75
14The Salem Horror 1 opinionesHenry Kuttner6.50
15The Haunter of the GraveyardJ. Vernon Shea4.00
16Cold Print 1 opinionesRamsey Campbell6.33
17The Sister CityBrian Lumley7.00
18Cement surroundingsBrian Lumley7.00
19The Deep OnesJames Wade8.00
20Return of the Lloigor 4 opinionesColin Wilson7.25

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Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos

Inglés, 407 págs.
Antología colectiva, Dedicado
Arkham House (Arkham House #108), 1969

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