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personajes pregenerados

Aplicable a aquellas obras, normalmente aventuras, que incluyen estadísticas para los personajes jugadores.

Obras asociadas
Risam Vellere2004Deane P. GoodwinAlta
Pre-generated Character Sheets for "Gatsby and the Great Race"2005Paul FrickerAlta
The Innocent2004Bob GeisAlta
In Media Res1993John TynesAlta
Gatsby and the Great Race2005Paul FrickerAlta
Digging for a Dead God2009John Wick6.00Alta
Calling the King2009John Wick4.00Alta
Archimedes 72010John Wick1.00Alta
A Woodland Tale2006James KingMedia
What's in the Cellar?2019Jon HookMedia
The Watchers in the Sky2010Graham Walmsley9.00Media
El vuelo del cuco 4 opiniones2020Enrique Camino, Rubén García CollantesMedia
Voice on the Phone2017Mike Mason, Sandy PetersenMedia
Uncle Timothy's Will 1 opiniones1990Keith Herber8.00Media
Un llanto desesperado2021Abraham CastroMedia
Trick or Treat1990Scott David AniolowskiMedia
La tragedia Ashcroft2009Rubén Rivera CisnerosMedia
To Hell or Connaught2010Eckhard Huelshoff, Adam Denton, David Lee Ingersoll, Bradley McDevitt, Marco MorteMedia
Time After Time2010Brian Sammons, Adam Denton, David Lee Ingersoll, Bradley McDevitt, Marco MorteMedia
Three Days of Peace, Music, and Tentacle Love2010Shannon R. Bell, Adam Denton, David Lee Ingersoll, Marco MorteMedia
Thracian Gold2008Glyn WhiteMedia
They Did Not Think It Too Many2010Adam Crossingham, Adam Denton, David Lee Ingersoll, Bradley McDevitt, Marco MorteMedia
The timeless sands of India2012Jon Hook, Bradley McDevittMedia
The Lost Expedition2016Jon Hook, Bradley McDevittMedia
Starfall Over the Plateau of Leng2012Jon Hook, Bradley McDevittMedia
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